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Shareholders Resolution -Approval Of Sale Of Corporate Assets


RESOLVED, that the shareholders of the [Name of Corporation] Corporation do hereby approve and authorize the sale, on the terms and conditions set out in an agreement of sale, of this Corporation's assets to [Name of Buyer]. A copy of the agreement of sale, dated [Date of sale agreement], is attached to the minutes of this meeting.

The undersigned, [Secretary of Corporation], certifies that he or she is the duly appointed Secretary of Corporation and that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the directors thereof, convened and held in accordance with law and the Bylaws of said Corporation on [Date of resolution], and that such resolution is now in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have affixed my name as Secretary of [Name of Corporation] Corporation and have attached the seal of [Name of Corporation] Corporation to this resolution.

Dated: [Date signed]
